Finding Joy in Supply

I could hear the words in my head so crisp and clear, cutting through my hopes,

“You’ll never make enough to pay off that debt, especially without working outside of your home.”

Boiling over, my frustration screamed in reply,


My faith is shaken and I step quickly, testing the foundations where I stand.

I rehearse to myself…

  • I know God clearly called me to stay home with Maddy during this season.
  • Scripture is clear that debt does not glorify God.
  • God has promised to meet our needs.

I am reminded of truths like Ephesians 4:19,

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

God’s voice of truth fills the cracks under my feet, affirming His plan to supply my needs. I don’t see an immediate resolution and am reminded of yet another truth principle in Philippians 4:6,

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

I  put these truths together and remind myself that if God created me to glorify Him, and debt does not glorify Him, not only will he provide for my needs, but He will provide me with a way to get rid of debt. NOT that He will miraculously remove debt from my life. that’s not exactly how God’s processes of learning and sanctification work.

I have lost count of the number of times I had the previous internal conversation. See, Mason and I have been changing the way we think about our finances over the past few years repenting from worldly perspectives and adopting Biblical principles regarding money management, spending, and investing. This drastic shift is so contrary to our culture and the values that surround us in our world, but I have re-focused my mind and heart on truth that is aligned with Scripture, aligned with God’s good, acceptable and perfect plan for my life, and I have prayed. 

We have begged God for means of income in order to aggressively remove debt from our lives. We are living conservatively within our means, and it is awesome to see God provide a supply for us. It doesn’t necessarily come easily or without significant sacrifice or effort. However, God’s supply begets joy, hope, and is burden-lifting! I am so thankful for the job God dropped in my lap nearly a year ago, granting me the ability to contribute to our income by working from home, setting flexible hours, and supporting a great local business. Recently God has blessed me with an additional opportunity as a freelance content writer.

Praise God for supply!


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