4th Anniversary

What a wonderful day.

4 years ago today the rains poured down as Mason and I said our vows in Salem, NH. It had been a beautiful sunny morning when I went to have my hair done, and by the time I was putting on my gown the skies had turned stormy. The rains came and went throughout the day, but our spirits were untouched as we celebrated the work God had just begun in our life together.

Today we did not celebrate our day with great fanfare, fancy dinner or gifts, but we did cherish our life together. Today that meant finding joy in the diaper changes, sweet smiles, and my new eu de parfum “Madeleine”. 🙂

The last 4 years have set a foundation in our oneness. We have weathered storms together, basked in what often felt like fleeting sunny skies, and at times lay face down in the mud just begging the Lord to direct. It has been a hard thing to become “one”. Something we will forever be working at.

Yesterday our daughter turned one week fresh! I know it’s silly, but I was so thrilled to look down at my iPod and see the time at 7:53…4 minutes to snag a family picture at the exact time she was born just a week prior. I have a sweet husband who obliged to my sentimental request.

What a wonderful day it has been today to celebrate our life and look forward to what year 5 will bring!

2 thoughts on “4th Anniversary

  1. Hi Marla! This is Amy from The Messy Middle — I updated my blog this weekend but haven’t been able to move subscribers from wordpress. Sigh. So, if you want to keep following me, you’ll need to resubscribe through wordpress (messymiddle.com). I’m slowly learning more about technology, that’s for sure … thanks for following! And happy anniversary!


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